by Sasha Bates | Mar 30, 2020 | Other
Sasha Bates This feels like loss Some random thoughts on how reminiscent this time of lockdown and isolation is to bereavement and what lessons I learnt then might be helpful now. These were some posts I shared on social media during this time of isolation....
by Sasha Bates | Mar 29, 2020 | Events, Workshops
Sasha Bates Online April Grief Workshop “Finding Ways to Express Grief” – my one-day workshop for therapists will now be taking place online on its original date, April 18th, 2020. Book through The Minster Centre, London, NW6 as before. Since moving...
by Sasha Bates | Mar 28, 2020 | Bill Cashmore Award, Languages of Loss
Dear friends, I hope you are all managing in these strange and frightening times? You may well be sick of all the emails/WhatsApps/messages pinging into your inboxes every two seconds, or you may be finding them a lifeline to a social life otherwise denied. Whichever...